Wednesday, February 25, 2009

My Saltwater Fish Tank

Welcome to my tank.  This blog is a description of my 75 gallon salt water reef aquarium!!  I wanted to be able to keep giant clams in the tank so I have a large wattage Metal Halide lighting system on the aquarium.  Of course with this large amount of lighting I needed a chiller.  I find that without the chiller the temperature can rise well above 90 degrees F within one hour.  The set up and ongoing population of the tank has been extremely expensive, but I find that if you purchase high end equipment that you get what you pay for.  I also decided to employee a service and maintenance person to keep up with cleaning and water changes.  I have between 15 and 20% of the water changed every 2 weeks.  I also make attempts to keep the glass clean with a MagFloat every other day.  I also find that as I acquire more live coral to keep that the fish tank is becoming crowded.  I AM HAVING TO USE A SPECIAL UNDERWATER GLUE TO SECURE THE LIVE CORAL TO THE ROCK IN THE AQUARIUM.  This is important because starfish, snails and fish can easily nock over corals that are not securely attached to the live rock.